IBDP Scholarship Programme

SJIIM IBDP Scholarship Application Now Open for August 2019

St. Joseph’s Institution International School Malaysia is offering International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) scholarships to deserving students entering Year 12 in August 2019. In line with our school values and traditions, the school is offering this unique scholarship to provide talented and capable students who wish to embark on the IBDP the opportunity to be a part of the school and to flourish under the guidance of its teachers. Our scholarships are awarded based on a combination of both merit and means-tested outcomes.

The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme is a 2-year educational programme primarily aimed at students aged 16-18. Success in the IBDP offers students the opportunity to gain access to the best universities in the world. From our first graduated cohort, 2 students obtained 44 out of 45 points and over 30% of them scored 40 points and above. In addition to this, 46% of our scholars went on to receive scholarships from foreign universities.

We are now inviting qualified students from different high school backgrounds such as the IGCSE and SPM as well as other equivalent courses to apply for our IBDP Scholarships. For SPM/IGCSE students taking their exams in November 2019, they may also apply for the scholarship if they have excellent results from their recent forecast/trial examination.

Merit-based Scholarships:  

Our merit-based scholarships will cover between 25-100% of the tuition fees (quantum to be determined by means testing) for the 2 year IBDP programme.

Applicants are expected to be able to provide evidence of good academic performance and demonstrate active participation and leadership in co-curricular activities (music/sports/art) and service activities. Boarding spaces may be available subject to the approval of the Scholarship Board and the applicant providing evidence that it is required.

Applications close on the 27th of January 2019 and completed applications, including all relevant documents, are to be emailed to: scholarships@sji-international.edu.my

All successful applicants will be required to take part in a Lasallian Leadership and Immersion Camp in the Philippines in August 2019 as part of the scholarship programme. Flight costs will need to be borne by the student’s family while the cost of the trip will be subsidised by SJIIM based on the quantum of the scholarship received.

Timeline:• Applications close on Sunday, 27 January 2019.
• Scholarship tests will take place on Saturday, 9 February 2019.
• Shortlisted applicants from the test will be notified on Friday, 15 February. 2019.
• From here, all shortlisted applicants will need to attend a selection interview on Saturday, 16 February 2019.
• Interview results will be known two days after the interview.
• Lasallian Leadership and Immersion Camp in August 2019.

How to Apply?

To access the application form please download the editable PDF document HERE.To find out more about the IBDP Scholarship, please click HERE for our IBDP Scholarship Handbook.

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